Minor playing strip poker lands woman in jail
A woman in Oshkosh, Wisconsin is facing criminal charges after allowing a 13-year old girl to participate in a strip poker game the woman was playing in.
According to WBAY TV in Green Bay, 22 year old Dawn Hamilton was wearing only underwear and shorts when the game ended.
The woman has been charged with 'causing a minor to view or listen to a sex act' and also jumping bail from a prior offense.
The charges carry a prison sentence of up to 22 years and fines of $20,000.
Poker News
Rise in Online Casino Wagers during Holidays
It seems the more people worry about all the money they spend over the Festive Season, the more they try to get it back the easy way. Gambling.
And since they’re sick of crowds and noise and pushing and pulling, they play online in the comfort of their own homes.
Nothing wrong there.
Industry analysts in the United Kingdom say in a report recently published that the holiday season has brought with it a steady increase in online casino gambling wagers since Thanksgiving. The trend is parallel to a rise in online gift shopping, which itself has seen a rise of about seven percent over last year's numbers. Like holiday shopping, so are online casino wagers on a continuous rise until New Year's Day.
The forecast for the near future expects the online casino industry to drop a notch in wagers in January, but peak again around the NFL playoffs and Superbowl match. Then, with no major holidays or sports competitions it may dip again towards the industry average, and see increased activities in March Madness and springtime and the holidays that come along with it.
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Hilarious: How to avoid office party humiliation!
I know all the "How To Prevent Becoming The Office Slut / Idiot" articles are getting old, but I had a good laugh at this one, written by
HogwildYay! It's the holiday season! This means it's time for the annual office holiday party! Simply follow these easy tips for not humiliating yourself and you'll be able to return to the office with your head held high... only to find out that everyone's jobs were outsourced to India.
1- The office holiday party is a great opportunity for you to show your co-workers the more social and fun side of your personality. If you do not have a social and fun side to your personality, hang out with Accounting.
2 - Yes, at the office holiday party your only “work” is to shmooze, drink on the company dime, and chat it up with the most attractive people in the room. If you are in Marketing, today is “business-as-usual.”
3 - The office holiday party is also a great opportunity to talk to people you rarely interact with on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you may see the engineers talking to the receptionists. After 2 - 3 minutes of awkward, choppy, pause-riddled conversation, you will understand why these 2 groups should be restricted to hallway head nods.
WARNING: If the conversation exceeds 3 minutes there will be a desperate random grasping for things in common and the conversation will turn to traffic and weather and other exciting topics typically covered by AM radio.
4 - Loosen up your tie, let down your hair.
NOTE TO MEN: This does NOT mean to remove your toupee.
5 - At some point, somebody will shout in frustration, “This party is soooo lame!” and then pull out a joint and a hacky sack.
DON’T let this somebody be you.
UNLESS you are employed in San Francisco.
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts:
DO the office slut
DON’T do the boss’s daughter
UNLESS she is the office slut.
DO drink
DON’T get wasted
UNLESS drinks are free... because if you don't, then the only thing getting wasted is free alcohol.
DO have fun
DON’T really have fun
UNLESS you are already planning to change careers.
DO drink socially
DON’T wear one of those beer helmets with the 2 straws in your mouth
UNLESS you work for the NFL
DO turn down offers to try Ecstasy pills
DON’T offer cocaine as an alternative
UNLESS you are employed by the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild
Don’t talk about people behind their backs. Tell ‘em to their face! Why not? You’re drunk! Besides you’re only telling the truth. Everyone knows Tina is a slut who f*cked her way to the top of the Gerfelderg Account!
6 -
RULES TO REMEMBER: What happens in the office holiday party’s bathroom STAYS in the office holiday party’s bathroom.
7 - Ladies, you may get too drunk at the office holiday party and fling your panties at the boss. For your sake, take the preventative measure of not wearing panties to the party. Be sure to tell everyone. But talk is cheap. Prove it.
8 - If you are constantly refreshing your drink, you will earn the reputation as the office lush. Instead, hold the same drink all night, taking tiny sips. Then secretly go to the bar, slam Tequila shots, then return to the conversation with that same full glass.
9 -
More DO’S & DON’TS:
DO go to the office holiday party to get ahead
DON’T go to the office holiday party to get head
UNLESS you are a tenured professor because, really, what the hell can anybody do about it?
Don’t go trying to pick up that new office hottie. The office holiday party is not a singles bar. It’s a biker bar. Start fights and break sh!t.
WOMEN: DO dress a bit more festive than you would at the office
DON’T wear revealing clothing
UNLESS you want that raise, my little buttercup. Heh heh heh.
MEN:DO dress a bit more relaxed than you would at the office
DON’T wear revealing clothing
UNLESS you want that raise, my little buttercup. Heh heh heh.
DO talk about things other than work
DON’T talk about your genitals
UNLESS you’re in the P*rn Industry, but that would be talking about your work, so talk about something else like banana splits or big ripe tomatoes or how you have to jiggle your key into the lock or how the beer they serve comes in real nice cans or...
Now is the time to show your sense of humor! Be sure to tell jokes that are offensive to certain ethnic groups. When a co-worker of that ethnicity walks by, indicate this to the group with a clearly audible, “SHHHHHHHH!!!! Here’s one now! Tee-hee-hee!” This kind of behavior applies double if you work for the United Nations.
DO speak in a more relaxed manner
DON’T use foul language
UNLESS you are whispering it into the ear of a co-worker with a hand on the crotch
DO ask before bringing a significant other
DON’T bring uninvited guests
UNLESS they are strippers
WATCH as Accounting begs the strippers for receipts for tax purposes
LISTEN to Tina shout “I can do better than that!” as she rips off her bra to expose tassel-twirling boobies and tears off her panties to reveal her "accounts receivable" covered only by a single yellow post-it note.
LAUGH as the hacky sack game ends abruptly
STARE as the engineer pulls the giggling receptionist into the bathroom
RUN to the bar to get that Tequila shot
PLAN to change careers.
'Poker' the Most Searched Term on the Internet
Lycos just released its list of the top 50 Internet search terms for 2006, and the word ‘Poker’ topped the list.
Poker beat out stalwart search engine celebrities like Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton to nab the top spot. The big mover for the year was the term 'My Space', the white hot social networking site saw a 568% rise in searches on its name to finish in the # 2 spot.
The top ten most searched terms were 1) Poker 2) MySpace 3) RuneScape 4) Pamela Anderson 5) Paris Hilton 6) Pokemon 7) WWE 8) Golf 9) Spyware and 10) Britney Spears.
Spain all set to regulate online gambling
It is expected that the industry giants will apply for licenses in the now regulated market
(Spain).- The Spanish government has decided to regulate and license online gambling companies, and a host of those companies are expected to rush into Spain.
Going against the direction the US has been heading in relation to online gambling, the government of Spain has apparently decided the benefits to be gained from regulation far outweigh those to be gained by prohibition.
Italy’s recent decision to regulate their gambling industry resulted in a flood of applications for licenses from UK bookmakers and online giants such as Ladbrokes, William Hill and Gala Coral. It is expected these same companies, along with PartyGaming and SportingBet, will apply for licenses in the now regulated Spanish market.
Germany to ban Internet gambling; South Africa to legalize it
As reported by Reuters: "Germany's federal states plan to ban Internet gambling, according to draft documents to be discussed by the country's state premiers on Wednesday", a newspaper reported on Tuesday.
"Despite pressure from the European Commission to open up Europe's gambling market to competition, ministers from most states want to sign off on new rules aimed at protecting their lucrative monopoly as lottery operators", said Handelsblatt.
SourceMeanwhile, online and cellphone gaming will become legal for the first time in SA if a draft amendment bill adopted by the cabinet last week is finally passed into law.
Unlike the US, which decided to outlaw internet gambling to prevent money-laundering and funding terrorism, the South African government has decided to allow interactive gambling within a regulated framework. This is consistent with its general approach to gambling.
The South African gambling industry has been frustrated by the length of time it has taken government to come up with regulations to legalise internet gaming.
Foreign operators, particularly British operators, have been waiting for internet gaming to be legalised so that they can enter the domestic market, while provincial governments have been losing out on an additional source of tax revenue.
The draft bill proposes a licensing system for both the players and the online gaming websites.
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Israeli Online Gambling Tycoon Bids $1B for peace

Apparently money can’t buy you love – but can it buy peace? So desperate is one Israeli millionaire for an end to the hostility between his country and the Palestinian territories that he’ll scrape together a billion dollars to make it happen.
Avi Shaked, 53, said he would give an initial installment of $100 million to the Palestinians if their prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh and Israel’s Ehud Olmert began talks.
Shakes quickly became one of Israel’s wealthiest men through 888 Holdings, a conglomerate of gambling Web sites such as 888.com, Pacific Poker and Betmate.
He reportedly has a group of financiers who will put forward the money as soon as some sort of accord is reached.
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Don't ruin your reputation -blame someone else!
Does the Christmas season fill you with fear, not because of those scary men in red suits and fake beards, but because you’re likely to get totally, blindingly, screamingly drunk and throw away your good name?
Fear no more! Now you can create Alternate Identity Cards. Don’t ruin your reputation this Xmas season – ruin someone else’s!
Basically, you can choose a business cards you like and let the person on the card take the blame for your behavior this festive season!
I think it’s genius! I just don’t think it’ll fly at an office party…
Check out
Alternate Identity Cards
Mom has son arrested for opening and playing with present before Christmas
COLUMBIA, S.C. - A fed-up mother had her 12-year-old son arrested for allegedly rummaging through his great-grandmother's things and playing with his Christmas present early.
The mother called police after learning her son had disobeyed orders and repeatedly taken a Game Boy from its hiding place at his great-grandmother's house next door and played it. He was arrested on petty larceny charges, taken to the police station in handcuffs and held until his mother picked him up after church.
"My grandmother went out of her way to lay away a toy and paid on this thing for months," said the boy's mother, Brandi Ervin. "It was only to teach my son a lesson. He's been going through life doing things ... and getting away with it."
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Are we winning? A look at HIV strategies…
LONDON - Circumcision, microbicides and microfinance. These are some of the most promising options being examined as potential ways to prevent AIDS.
As World AIDS Day is marked today, some public health experts are saying the current focus on universal access to lifesaving antiretroviral drugs has had an unintended effect: sidelining prevention. Without a vaccine, preventing HIV infections is key to controlling the pandemic.
Rates of HIV infection continue to grow, with 4 million new cases worldwide every year. The battle continues to be waged even in countries that were previously models of control. Due to erratic condom use and the virus’ spread into new populations, like married women, HIV has made a worrying return to countries such as Thailand and Uganda.
Microbicides under study or development include a vaginal gel that could help women protect themselves against HIV in countries where men are notoriously reluctant to use condoms, and substances that enhance natural vaginal defense mechanisms by maintaining an acidic pH, killing pathogens by stripping them of their outer covering or preventing replication of the virus after it has entered the cell.
Preliminary trials in South Africa last year showed circumcised men were 60 percent less likely than uncircumcised men to become infected from female partners. New data from trials in Uganda and Kenya are due in mid-December from the National Institutes of Health in the United States, the trials’ sponsor.
Source: AP via