Rise in Online Casino Wagers during Holidays
It seems the more people worry about all the money they spend over the Festive Season, the more they try to get it back the easy way. Gambling.And since they’re sick of crowds and noise and pushing and pulling, they play online in the comfort of their own homes.
Nothing wrong there.
Industry analysts in the United Kingdom say in a report recently published that the holiday season has brought with it a steady increase in online casino gambling wagers since Thanksgiving. The trend is parallel to a rise in online gift shopping, which itself has seen a rise of about seven percent over last year's numbers. Like holiday shopping, so are online casino wagers on a continuous rise until New Year's Day.
The forecast for the near future expects the online casino industry to drop a notch in wagers in January, but peak again around the NFL playoffs and Superbowl match. Then, with no major holidays or sports competitions it may dip again towards the industry average, and see increased activities in March Madness and springtime and the holidays that come along with it.
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